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« Collection Challenge #4 Hair Accessories and Diaper Pins | Main | Estate Sale Friday....Rain, Rain Go Away »

May 20, 2010



I love the haircut, reminds me of my own 2 boys (now grown) your house is adorable.


That is so cute!! The box reminds me of one that I keep millinery flowers in. I bought a few once in this cute red & white striped shoebox and just couldn't trash it. It was probably nearly 20 years ago...and it was vintage then!!
Have fun this summer, Ben!!


The little house turned out so cute, great use of your imagination.

Ben is a Senior does that mean you are planning a graduation party? Hope so, can't wait to see how you decorate that up! Congratulations to Ben, hope he does the haircut when he graduates college too!!!!


Gee, I wonder where Ben gets his sense of humor...hmmmm?
Your little house is great. So now I have to save check boxes, too. I'm trying to spring clean and everytime I go to throw something out I think to myself "I'll bet Magpie Ethel could make something wonderful out of that". I've started a box with your name on it.


I love what you did with that card..honestly woman you have a vivid imagination..and I love it..I also love your sons hair cut..that is creative as well..never seen it..:) have a great evening.:)


Awesome idea with the card...love your sweet vintage house and all it's little embellishments.
Your son is creative too!
Love your "no soliciting" sign!
Deb :)


LOVE the little house! And Ben is certainly your son!

C. Dianne Zweig

A lot of cuteness going on here....Dianne

Into Vintage

It's like a little vintage Ladies Dorm and definitely an Ethel original! I've been reading your blog long enough now that I know summer is coming when I see the smiley face on the back of your son's head. :-) -amy


Your little house is just cute as can be!! You have such a great imagination. I especially find it noteable that Ben has done the Smiley Face for so many years!!! Most kids would not keep it up, for a number of reasons. Good for him.


Laurie, I learn so much each time I visit your blog! Year book photos - must dig up husband's. DARN, he went to an all boy's Catholic High School! Your son has definitely got your life's sense of fun! Very special! Elizabeth


I love it! This is why I do these craft challenges, to see what others "see" in something as simple as a manila card. :) I STILL haven't started mine but at least I have an idea now, lol.

Congrats to Ben. LOVE the hair!


I have a senior this year too. Good luck with graduation and everything. It's nice to see he's so fun loving.
You must be a great mom!

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