Remember the post I did on my collection challenge a couple of weeks ago for state souvenirs? I posted about how I primarily collect for Oregon (also known as the Pacicic Wonderland). Amy from Into Vintage and I both have January birthdays and we had a little birthday lunch the other day (Lisa, from A Thing for Roses also joined us). Anyhooooo, Amy gifted me with the most perfect pillow for my Oregon collection.
Amy is an amazing seamstress and whipped an old vintage tablecloth into the most wonderful pillow. Loving the details on the back too.
The crazy thing is, she had never been to my house before, but the pillow that she made could not have been more perfect for my family room couch. It totally fits in with all my other pillows. (ignore photo glare on picture in dark basement),
L-O-V-E it! Pop on over to Amy's blog and wish her a happy birthday...tell her she rocked that Oregon pillow! You can also take a peak at what I made for her birthday....
You are two peas in a pod, right down to your January birthdays. Cute pincushion, by the way!
Posted by: barbara | January 26, 2011 at 02:00 PM
What a great pillow!! And it does go great with your others.
Posted by: Lynn | January 26, 2011 at 04:29 PM
How fun to get together and celebrate your birthdays! Very nice pillow! Looks great!
Posted by: deb | January 26, 2011 at 04:46 PM
I need to get all my stuff out and take pix! I did get out a couple of plates and pillows today! Zootsuitmama
Posted by: zootsuitmama | January 26, 2011 at 05:02 PM
I am so jealous...Imagine all that crafting juju in one place. I can't believe you missed the bread boxes. The decals...the storage. That's okay, you've got it covered on everything else. Did you do your curtain pins yet. I do love those. Gorgeous pillow and that needle lady is right up my alley.
Posted by: Renee | January 26, 2011 at 06:26 PM
It's a thrill to know my pillow is in your amazing home. I hope we can continue our birthday tradition for many years to come!
Posted by: Into Vintage | January 26, 2011 at 07:25 PM
I love reading your blog - it truly makes me happy. I also read Amy's and saw the birthday spun head gal you whipped up for her.
Okay - I'm totally intrigued by the adorable picture hanging above your sofa. Please take a full picture of it and post it in your blog one day. I'm a sucker for pictures with children.
Posted by: Carol Tootalian | January 26, 2011 at 08:13 PM
I just love you and Amy's blogs. You two are treasures!
Posted by: Kathy | January 26, 2011 at 10:07 PM
What a TEASE!!!! I, too, am dying to see the picture over the couch (in OK it is called a couch-ha!). Anyway, it looks amazing. One thing I love about your blog is that I can click on your pictures and really look at them in detail.
Please tell me the picture is available somewhere for purchase.
Also, do you have any ideas how to recycle tattered Dick and Jane readers that still have some good pages left in them.
Posted by: Becky | January 26, 2011 at 10:32 PM
The pillow is so awesome. She is one very good seamstress. I love the spun head creation you made for her...right on the money! I think I already wished you a Happy B'day but if not, Happy Birthday to you!!
Posted by: Annette | January 27, 2011 at 08:54 AM
The Oregon pillow turned out great. I wonder how many tablecloths I didn't buy because of stains or holes. Oh well, I guess I have enough projects started without a bunch of tablechoths.
Did they change your zodiac sign, too? I am now a Capricorn instead of Aquarian. Didn't seem to change my life in any way. Ha
Love the little girl you created. Sweet. ~Janet
Posted by: janet | January 27, 2011 at 01:55 PM
Hi Laurie, What an adorable
pillow!!! It looks so nice with
all of your other pillows!!
Love it!!!
Posted by: Janis | January 27, 2011 at 04:10 PM
Count me in on wanting to hear about the picture! You know I love everHything you do.
Posted by: Melissa | January 27, 2011 at 05:29 PM
I love your happy blue couch, Laurie! And Amy's pillow couldn't be more perfect!
Posted by: Carol @ Old Glory Cottage | January 28, 2011 at 11:30 AM