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July 05, 2011



Oh I love all your vintage beach treasures..those flipflops are adorable along with your pails and shovels. xoxox happy sunny day to you.

Musings from Kim K.

I've enjoyed my patriotic decor so much, but now you've inspired me to start pulling out my beachy items. Your sandpail shovel collection is outstanding. Your mermaids are absolutely darling. Thanks for sharing!


I have a ton of those old floats, but mine were all thrifted. Did you find yours on the beach yourself? I would die to find one! My dream is to go seaglass hunting someday. Not a lot of ocean front property in Arkansas though......... I looked for seaglass in Hawaii, but never found a thing because the hotels sweep the beach at sunrise. Love all your fun stuff!

Into Vintage

Oh my! I think those little mermaids are some of your cutest work yet - so whimsical - *love* them!!

I've never seen seashell flowers like yours before - you really have the eye for finding interesting pieces to work with. :-)

Magpie Ethel

The two floats were found by my aunt on the beach. We did find a giant one when I was a kid (think bigger than globe size). We were driving on the beach in Washington on a stormy day (you used to be able to drive on the beach). It was the five of us in my family and my grandparents in the car. I was probably about five. My grandmother spotted what she thought was an oil drum near the edge of the surf We drove closer to investigate and she shouted "Its a Japanese float!". I was on the window side of the back seat and we were scrambling out to get it before the surf took it away. I was practically tossed out of the car in the frenzy to grab the float! We were successful and my parents have the float still. It is an awesome greeny blue and has sea water inside that sloshes about. A good childhood memory.


So here's what I am thinking...I would like to be signed up for the Magpie Ethel direct shipment plan. Like the fruit of the month club. My mermaid from last year, Shelly, is one of my favorites...Your beach finds are amazing as usual. Love that anchor...keep dreaming and you will get that house! Smiles...Renee


I so admire the way you decorate for the seasons and the holidays. I just never seem to find the time for that. I have a beach theme on my patio year around and I use my glass floats as "bubbles" in my fishpond. Those stinker racoons keep moving them up into the waterfall - LOL!


The ballarina in the swan looks a float in a parade!!! Just needs some teeny tiny wheels underneath!


Hi Laurie,
I love your beach/seashore collection!! Your little mermaids
are adorable and the little flip
flops are very cute! I always
admire the vintage beach pails
and shovels. The graphics are
always wonderful. : )


We're expecting our 'first' grandchild, in December.

Have you ever created a baby collection?

Would love to put one of your creations in her/his nursery.



Laurie~ In honour of your new 'category', I think it only fitting that you show us your collection of MERMAIDS!! You MUST have acquired some over the years ;-)!!



I have just been looking at all your collections, a favorite way of mine to spend some time, and was wondering if you have ever shown your collection of vintage eyeglasses? Would be great to see, pun intended ;)

Groove Cloth Kathy

I wore tiny flip flops just like those as a kid in Texas, but we called them "clodhoppers."

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