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« Farm Chicks 2015 | Main | Estate Sale Friday. #127 in Line »

June 11, 2015


Linda @ A La Carte

Looks like you had way too much fun!!! Love all the finds, that blow up seahorse is very smile worthy! My eyes went straight to the Pink Vase as I am in love with it!! I collect pink pottery and this one is a beauty. Love it all!


Into Vintage

That little wedding party takes the cake for me! So happy all of you found each other. :-) Can't wait to see you in your snazzy sweater; definitely an Ethel vibe to it. Another great year at Farm Chicks!!

Mary Steinbrink

I love the bridal party and the squirrels. I'm like you and I love all the small stuff! Thanks for sharing all your fabulous finds! Mary

Melissa's Antiques

Awesome finds, as usual. You have been really lucky with the spun head bride and grooms. I really want a pair for my wedding cake & pie table. I've seen mirrors like this one before and people called them bus rear-view mirrors. Or maybe it's a side-view mirror? Either way it's fun!


I think your mom was a good luck charm once again. Your finds are fabulous! I am drooling over the pink vase. Love it. I found the same design in matte white for my sister. Never knew it came in pink. My favorite thing is the seahorse for your someday beach house - so funky and so fun just like you!


I almost got swept out to sea on a red Sandy The Seahorse. My Dad put me on it and then stepped back for my Mom to take a photo and WHAM in came a wave and out went Shara. I don't wear vintage clothes, and I never wear sweaters, but that one is so cute, I might have bought it just for fun.

Car is loaded up (I had to cool down before I got sick) and I am headed out to start my Junk Ranch set up. It's getting bigger and bigger. Big enough that you and Amy and Mom might want to come - someday.

Musings from Kim K.

Those seafood dishes are adorable and that swim cap and the blow-up seahorse are meant for your future beach house. Lots of small goodies just waiting to be rescued. How nice that you could enjoy it with your mom too.

Sheryl Remy

Wow. You certainly found some wonderful items. Things to craft with and things to go into your collections. Your mom is definitely you good luck charm. Glad you had a ball, I mean a seahorse.


wonderful! i can't pick a favorite find! Maybe sandy the sea horse! or that bride and groom! so gorgeous!


That sweater is too cute! And So the vintage swim cap, as is the seahorse--great finds!


Great finds! That sweater made me think of you upon first glance.
And as you might figure......3 and 7 are my favorites too!!! It just goes on and on..........................


I thought that my favorite finds of yours was the crepe paper wedding party. Until I saw the seahorse! That is so perfect and I just know it was waiting for you to find it!

Have a great weekend!



So much goodness that I can't even pick a favorite. Your Magpie radar was spot on!

twinkle beverages

Seriously...does it get any better than that? I prefer vintage over new any day of the week. So-happy for you. Enjoy your weekend.


I was at Farm Chicks also. Tons of fun and treasures. Your crepe paper wedding party have the exact same faces as my St. Patrick's Day couple. I found them in an antique store in Spokane, the day before Farm Chicks. I put a photo on my tiny blog for you to see them.....


I loved all your treasures.


Pam @ House of Hawthornes

You crack me up! That seahorse is too cute! Glad you had a good time. That show is on my bucket list for when I get out that way. Maybe next year :)


Thank you so much for sharing your adventure. Can't wait to see what all you bring home this year. I will be looking to make plans for next year, decided to skip Round Top on 2017 :) Always a pleasure to see your post on IG. I think I must subscribe to your blog post too ;)

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