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« Valentine Etsy Reminder | Main | St. Patrick's Day Etsy »

February 03, 2017


Ree Cee

Pass the Metformin - this is just too sweet! I love your curations and your creations.


You find the best stuff! I rarely find good holiday decor at the thrift or estate sales.


You have such sweet Valentine's Day stuff. Most of mine is handmade from past swaps. I am currently obsessed with all the Rosbro and Irwin plastic stuff. I hope I find some Valentine items someday. The hunt is on!

twinkle beverages

Lovely! As always.


I always love to see your holiday collections. you really need to put out a book.. so many people would buy it! so, how long does it take you to switch holidays out? I dont have nearly as much as you and it takes me forever! lol!
have a great week

Erica H

I love seeing your house decorated for the holidays. I have a collection of vintage heart-shaped candy boxes displayed in my entry. My ceramic Valentine girl planters decorate the mantel. I'd need another house to store all of your holiday decor! :)
I'm happy to say that my first Magpie Ethel original is also on display - one of your cherub Kewpies!

Janice@Curtains In My Tree

You definitely have the knack for decorating with all your vintage items, I always wonder where you store all your treasures between holidays?
It's all adorable and I really enjoy seeing it .

Happy Valentine's Day

Lisa W.

Your house looks beautiful ! I love it all ! Thanks for sharing , as always ... hope you had a lovely Valentine's day !

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